Infection Control Trainings and Workshops

Training for Newly Graduated Doctors

This workshop is designed to provide medical graduate with the basic principles and practice of infection prevention and control

Infection control Training Program

To provide medical graduate with the basic principles and practice of infection prevention and control.

At the completion of this course the learner will be able to:

  • Define how pathogenic organisms may be spread in healthcare setting and factors that influence the outcome of an exposure.
  • Implement strategies for Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions in healthcare settings.
  • Recognize the role of Antimicrobial Stewardship in reducing the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.
  • Describe applied practices for prevention of procedure/device related infections.
  • Explain Infection Control policy for the control of multi-drug resistant organisms.
  • Describe measures to prevent transmission of Occupational Bloodborne pathogens.
  • Learning Methods

    1. Academic activities: Lectures and Discussion for two days in Infection Control Directorate.
    2. Field activities :Practical Round in one of General ~/Specialized hospital for three days

    Method of assessment

    1- Attendance of the academic and field activities.
    2-Multiple choice questions(Pre /Post-test) with a single best answer format, the duration is 20 minutes. In this exam Infection control objectives will be covered.

    • At the end of the course the trainee will be given an attendance certificate

    Lectures Content Outlines

    Practical Round in the Hospital

    • Hand hygiene
      • Significance
      • Indications-five moments
      • Hand hygeine – technique- duration- types of antiseptic - Hand wash v.hand rub
      • Glove use indication-technique
    • Isolation

    - Types of isolation precautions:
    - Standard precautions -Contact precautions  -Droplet precautions
    - Airborne precautions
    - When to intiate / discontinue precautions as indicated
    - Hand hygiene
    - The proper steps of putting on and removing the PPE

    • Surveillance of device associated and surgical site infections

    - Definitions of healthcare associated infection
    - Follow up healthcare associated infection- hospital wide
    - Follow up healthcare associated infection- ICU surveillance - Follow up healthcare associated infection- critical care areas

    • Bundles of care : (importance of each component)

    - Urinary catheter bundle -Central line bundle
    - Ventilator bundle

    • Safe surgery requirement

    - Preoperative Skin preparation
    - Surgical scrubbing (technique-duration- drying using separate sterile towel for each hand starting from fingers to elbow before donning a sterile gown and gloves- Surgical mask covering the mouth, nose and beard when entering the operating room)
    - Safe surgical practice .
    - Wound dressing
    - Prevention of surgical site infection

    • Check lists:

    - Operating room - Isolation
    - Wound dressing - kitchen

    - Intensive care unit (ICU)
    - Ward
    - Central sterile supply department(CSSD) - Primary Health Care Centre Checklist

    • Prevention and management of occupational exposure

    - Personal protective equipment
    - Safe injection: devices and medications -preparing/ administering injections - Prevention of sharps injuries to healthcare workers
    - Exposure incident reporting
    - Post exposure management
    - Waste management

    Day 1

    Day 2

    Healthcare Associated Infections

    This workshop is designed to be a firm theoretical and practical base to the infection control practice for working Infection preventionist in healthcare settings

    Blood and Body fluid exposure

    Prevention and Management of Needle stick Injuries & Body Fluid Exposure among Healthcare Personnel in Healthcare Setting.
    This workshop is designed to educate healthcare personnel on essential knowledge regarding methods of prevention and post-exposure evaluation.

    Prevention and Management of Needle stick Injuries /Blood & Body Fluid
    Exposure among Healthcare Personnel in Healthcare Setting

    The purpose of this course is to assist healthcare workers in avoiding needlestick injuries and to provide an update on current procedures for reporting and follow-up of needlestick injuries and other sharps related injuries.


  • To provide essential knowledge regarding methods of prevention of sharp, and splash injuries.
  • To recognize the risk of occupational transmission of HIV, HBV and HCV.
  • To define procedure for reporting needlestick injuries.

  • Time:
    4 hours educational sessions.
    Target Audience:
    Healthcare workers (Doctors /Nurses)
    At the end of the course the attendants will be given an attendance certificate
    Key topics:


    Management of Healthcare waste

    This workshop is designed to identify proper management and the disposal methods for Healthcare wastes